Friday, July 4, 2008

Discover How A Rich Jerk Make Money Online

This post is dedicated to all the rich jerk out there : >>>

It Sucks To be Poor !

Don't Waste My Time...

Let's get something straight.

I'm a jerk. I'm obnoxious. And I'm lazy.

And I don’t care, because I'm FILTHY RICH.

I'm much too important to even be sitting here writing this right now. So I'll keep it short.

I make several million dollars every year on the internet, doing almost nothing.You can see some proof here but please keep the drooling to a minimum.

Have you seen proof like that anywhere else? Didn't think so.

Do you make that much money? Didn't think so. Well you can see proof here:

Watch an Additional 60 Second Video of the Rich Jerk Making $700k

All Checks & Stats are Verified to be 100% Accurate and Legitimate in Accordance with the FTC.You Can EvenSee Millions in Earnings here. (yes, millions)

Have you seen proof like that anywhere else? Didn't thinkso. Do you make that much money?

Didn't think so. -->But First, How About Some Proof...Rich Jerk Earnings-->-->
Over $265,000 in January !

Do you make that much money? Didn't think so.

And You Know What?I Don't Want to Sell You Anything.

How About I Just GIVE You a Free Money-Making Website? Thats right. Don't give me a dime. All those other guys want to sell you some lame-ass course. SCREW THAT.

Just go get a Free Rich Jerk Website from me right now.

I'll create a MONEY-MAKING website just for you, and it will be ready within 24 hours.....FREE. It will come pre-loaded with ALL of my money-making strategies.

ANYONE can make money with one of my Free Websites. After you make your first $15 bucks (probably in the first hour or so), come back here and buy my guide to help you make even more. Or not, I really don't care.

If you're okay with only making a few hundred dollars a day, just keep the free website, and DON'T buy my guide. Either way, you've got nothing to lose.

Go get your Free Rich Jerk Website Here.-->So Who the Hell Am I?I’m the guy you see driving down the street in a Ferrari with the top down, and you think to yourself, "What an ass!" And you know what? You’re right. But so what? Do you really think I value your opinion? I'm a rich jerk, so I couldn’t care less.

I cut through the BS. If you find me too offensive, obnoxious, or whatever….feel free to leave my website at anytime.I’m not here to make friends.

I’m here to show you EXACTLY how I make millions.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Can You Survive with Affiliate Marketing Competition ?

Affilate marketing and the use of the autoresponder go hand in hand like bread and butter.Its not common to find one on its own and in the internet marketing game its downright dangerous to not use one to collect the names and emails of your future customers and income stream.

Many newbies come into affiliate marketing very green and think they can make money fast and easy with only doing the basics and not actually commiting themselves to a long term business model or plan.

I believe the best way to take advantage within affilaite marketing is to create a blog farm that will provide significant traffic,that doesn't mean spam blogs but blogs that are properly created and marketed to your target audience.

Outsourcing this task is the best option.This has many advantages including the fact that blogs are free to start, own and maintain and they are also loved by the search engines I you can provide unique content. It couldn't be made simpler for you to launch your blogs and post some free articles to them and then learn how this you can earn many thousands of dollars as you go.

All I really want to get across to you is the advantages to having your own Niche blogs as part of your affiliate marketing mix to help market your affiliate programs to your target audience,and the good news is that there are many many ways to monetize the traffic flows you have created .

If you have no products of your own but want to earn money marketing affiliate programs you can set yourself up and succeed and this is the greatest thing I love about affiliate marketing, anybody can succeed at it.

If you market online and own a website or two then you can easily add another stream of income via affilate marketing once you can locate products and services similar to the theme of your websites.

By utilising some of these ideas and suggestions you can easily and quickly grow your business via affiliate marketing.As long as the top marketers continue to make their millions and the rest continue to make reasonable amounts of money or no money, but have the urge to emulate the top marketers, Affiliate Marketing will continue to draw the attention and be popular with Home Based Business Entrepreneurs.

Having established why affilate marketing is so popular,statistics have proven that only approx 5% of online marketers are making big money using affiliate marketing.I believe the best thing with regard to affiliate marketing is the fact that you aren't limited to any single product or program.

In fact,if you sprinkle around the affilate programs you sign up for you will be spreading any potentail risk and possibly overting a major failure in the future. Testing and measuring the best of these will provide you with information about what works and more importantly what doesn't.

Before you begin your venture into affiliate marketing, it is necessary to choose the right programs for you.

This is best done by starting in the niches you already have established websites in as you will already have a traffic base. Then after you have some solid results you can move onto promoting products and services in new niches.

Affiliate marketing is only going to grow globally as the trends of internet sales and marketing increase and my guess is some of us stand to make an incredible amount of money by researching it and then just plainly going and doing it.

Where will you be in 5 years? Because affiliate marketing has the huge potential to take you to where ever you want to go if you let it.
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