Friday, June 27, 2008

How To Explore Your Affiliate Income Without Much Effort

So, you want to make big money online.Hands-down the easiest and fastest way to make your banker smile is selling third-party products.

This business is the Affiliate Marketing Business. What if I told you last thousands of people made five and six figure incomes promoting other peoples products... for total sales exceeding $8 Billion dollars. Not bad for little home businesses Right ?

The affiliate industry is comprised of thousands of products ranging from Fortune 500 companies to the online entrepreneurs living next door. The products fall into two categories, Physical products (those you can hold and feel) and Informational products (how-to e-books, videos, reports, newsletters, etc.).

Physical products require additional start-up capital to purchase, inventory, store and ship, so your profit margins are narrow. Information products generally have significantly higher profit margins with virtually no overhead expenses.

That is why I believe the Affiliate Marketing Business is the Ultimate Home Business. I can start my business with little to no start-up capital; the business can be run completely remotely with full automation potential. The only requirements are computer access and an internet connection... in fact I was able to monitor my business and follow-up on sales activities from the mountains of Panama, and the Bay Islands of Honduras this year... pretty flexible if I say so myself.

Automation is your key to a successful Affiliate business, the more sites you have promoting products the More Money your going to make... if you automate your business.The technology behind websites is becoming more and more technical... if your like me terms like FTP, PHP, and HTML give me the chills. You see a website is just one piece of your Affiliate Money Magnet.

Your website is where your new customers are going to go to learn about your product, and be convinced that they cannot live without the information you have available for them. Your website is where you begin building customer trust and confidence with your business.

In order to change your site from a name to an actual business, you need to build a Money Magnet, incorporating a lot more technology. You are going to need software applications to:

1.Create and manage your Websites

2.Generate your headlines for your sales page

3.To incorporate audio and video to increase your conversion percentages

4.Track the origination source of your traffic

5.Test your conversions

6.Collect and process for credit cards (merchant services)

7.Ship your product(s)

8.Track and money and business statisticsAre you aware that 90% of the people that start a home business fail!The number is so sad, especially when no one needs to experience this situation.

The reason for this is most people just "build a website" and then begin throwing lots of software at it to handle all the various components of their fledgling business. This must be integrated properly to guarantee that all the components interact with one another efficiently.

As you increase the number of additional business components, the time it takes to manage them explodes. This takes away from your most important task driving potential buyers to your site.

A mentor of mine summed it up best."The secret to making money online is simple. Don't spend any more than 10% of your time on managing technologies so you can spend 90% on traffic and conversion, because that is where the money is made.

There is no money in learning or managing technologies, unless you want to be a webmaster."Where does this leave you? You can hire a webmaster to manage all the intricacies of your website(s). On the other hand, if you cannot afford the expense of a private webmaster, then you need to find an integrated application that contains all the moneymaking technologies you require to succeed.

This new concept in business automation incorporate all time consuming and day-to-day business tasks that software applications can do more efficiently, faster and cheaper,This is Leveraging Technology.

To make an Affiliate Money Magnet, you need to automate your current online business. Automation is your key to making significant money online. Automation eliminates the need for and expense if hiring a webmaster and frees you up to do what it you came to the web to do... develop traffic and convert visitors to buyers.

Best of all, these Integrated Business Applications websites save you huge amounts of time, and tons of money.

Utilizing a hosted money website service costs about 90% less than purchasing and managing the separate applications required for today's successful Web Business.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Guide To Affiliate Marketing steps by steps

Just how hard can it be to put up a squeeze page, a pre-sales page, and start making money on affiliate products? When you look at all the people on the internet today that are making money it doesn't seem it would be all that hard.

The thing is, when you ask people that are making money online nearly every one of them give you a story about working for months or even a couple of years before they figured out how to make money as an affiliate. \

Do you want to start your affiliate career like that?

Most people don't. They want to invest a little money and time to start making money as an affiliate marketer in a month or less. Can you blame them?

No you can't. When I started trying to market on the internet I took advice from the wrong people, spend several thousand dollars and made zilch over a six month period.Then by accident I actually found one of the secrets to making money in affiliate marketing.

What did I find?It is really simple but has several steps.

1 - Select a niche you know about and enjoy.

2 - select multiple products from that niche to promote.

3 - Research your keywords for the niche and the products.

4 - Make sure the product gives the value it advertises.

5 - Setup a squeeze page and a complementary free gift.

6 - Create your email sequence to promote to those that don't buy.

7 - Create a pre-sales page that puts people in the mood to buy.

8 - Start promoting the products you have selected.Think of it this way. Let's say you select 10 products from a niche you know and enjoy.

You setup your squeeze pages and pre-sales pages then start sending traffic to them. You have 10 products so if you make $300 a month from each that is $3,000 a month profits.

Do you believe you can sale 10 items a month that makes you $30 each sale or 20 that makes you $15 each sale? Do you think you can duplicate this sequence of events 10 times?

You can and there is a very easy way to do it. It is called Smart Money Websites. You have a dashboard that you use to track your adds, the percentage of opt-ins and the percentage of click throughs to your affiliate pages.

You can setup your squeeze page and pre-sales page in short order with no HTML or other techie experience AND it has a built in auto-responder for each site so you have everything you need tech wise in one package that cost less than a coffee a day.

This is the real reason those new to affiliate marketing don't make money. They are busy learning the tech end of the business.

They spend 90% of their time setting up web pages and tracking adds. They don't collect names and email addresses and they don't use an auto-responder.

Now you know how you can get started and make money the first month as an affiliate.
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